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Peltor hearing protection for helmets Ear defenders

BildTitelVersionColourMarke €*
ArtikelbildCapsule ear defendersOptime I (H510A), SNR = 26 dB, plug attachment for helmets with 30 mm slot, for all Peltor helmets and G500 Multi systems (except G2000)yellowPeltor61.91
Artikelbildear defendersOptime I (H510A), SNR = 26 dB, plug attachment for helmets with 30mm_Schlitz, for all Peltor_Helme and G500 Multi systems (except G2000)orangePeltor61.91
ArtikelbildCapsule ear defendersH31, SNR = 28 dB, plug attachment for helmets with 30 mm slot, for all Peltor helmets (except G2000)orangePeltor70.52
Artikelbildear defendersX2P3, SNR = 30 dB, to fit as G3000 Helmeyellow/greyPeltor77.49
ArtikelbildCapsule ear defendersOptime III (H540P3), SNR = 34 dB, plug attachment for helmets with 30mm_slot, for all Peltor_Helme and G500 Multi systems (except G2000)black / redPeltor82.66
Artikelbildear defendersX5P3, SNR = 36 dB, passend für G3000 Helmeblack/greyPeltor103.75
ArtikelbildCapsule adapter without ear protection P3EVPeltor27.04
* For EU all prices including VAT, plus shipping.
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