Yard-Man TA 4130 13AA474A643 (2001) Spareparts
SCR:TORX:M6x20 WN 1452
Note: This article is 4 times installed in the device, the price is per piece!
Article Number:
MTD SPEC-100015 000.02.493
Modell Year:
AE 4145 / 2001 AE 4145 / 2002 AE 4160 / 2001 AE 4160 / 2002 AE 4160 / 2000 HA 4130 / 2003 HA 4135 / 2002 HA 4145 / 1999 HA 4145 / 2000 HA 4145 / 2001 HA 4145 / 1999 HE 4160 / 1999 HE 4160 / 2000 HE 4160 / 2000 HE 4160 / 2001 HF 4145 / 1999 HF 4145 / 200
4.41 €
for EU Including VAT, plus shipping
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![in Stock](/mo/bilder/punkte/gruen.gif)
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