Black-Line 4035 VG 16CG5AMQ683 (2013) Hight adjustment Spareparts
SCR:M6-1:35.00 LG DIN 931
Note: This article is 4 times installed in the device, the price is per piece!
Article Number:
8.8 FINISH:MTD SPEC-100015
M6X1X35 DIN 931
Modell Year:
4035 VG / 2008 BL 3540 MV / 2008 VG 40 / 2011 UV 4000 B / 2010 UV 4000 B / 2010 BL 3540 MV / 2009 4035 VG / 2009 VG 40 M / 2008 VG 40 M / 2008 M 40 VG / 2010 4035 VG / 2010 4035 VG / 2011 VG 40 / 2008 VG 40 / 2010 VG 40 BM / 2009 VG 40 BM / 2010 VG 40 B
no longer available